Learning a new language is a long (and even sometimes heavy) process, but SoFrench courses gives you a way and some tips on how to boost your progress in French! The learning diary will help you summarize and analyze the steps you take each week to learn more and quicker.

Set up a learning diary to boost your progress in French

What is a learning diary? It's a notebook (it can also be digital) where you will summarize all the actions you took to practice and improve your French. Each week, take a few minutes to summarize them all, so that you will immediately see if your commitment is decreasing over time.

You have no ideas about actions you could do to boost your progress in French ? Well, it could be such common things as listening to the radio for 20 minutes, reading a chapter of a French book, watching an episode of your favorite French TV series…

Noting all these actions in your diary will first help you measuring your commitment to French learning and keeping up the good work through time:

  • Mercredi matin, j'ai écouté les informations sur France Inter.
  • Jeudi soir, j'ai commandé à diner en français !
  • Vendredi soir, j'ai regardé une émission sur France 24
  • Samedi après-midi, j'ai fait 10 phrases en rangeant la maison

Boost your progress in French with more exciting activities... and fill out the diary

Listening to French music !

Using apps for beginners

Speaking to yourself! This is a milestone to put into practice what you learned in class.

Watching the news on France 24

Reading news articles on TV5 Monde

Following French youtubers.

Subscribing to the brand-new French learning platform of “Le Monde” diary Frantastique

Find the Alliance française or the Institut français in your city and go there!

Look for French events in your city: exhibitions, shows, concerts…

Spend time with French people as often as you can. They can be classmates, colleagues, or friends.

And for students in French speaking countries

Try to speak AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN and EVERYWHERE YOU GO: to buy your bus ticket prefer the counter to the machine, buy your croissants in French at the bakery, to order your meal at restaurants, at the supermarket, etc.

Try to speak in all situations.

Watch French TV channels (I strongly recommend the public channel France 2 and France 5).

Go to the cinema, even if you do not understand all the details of the movie.

These daily or weekly little steps will ensure that you boost your progress in French.